The Pseudomugilinae or Blue-eye sub-family inhabits fresh waters of Australia, New Guinea, and Celebes (Indonesia).

Australian Blue-eye [
Pseudomugil signifer
SYN : Atherinasignata, Pseudomugil signatus
PD : An elongated species with elaborate finnage. There are two dorsal fins, nearly equal in size, and the caudal fin has a straight edge. The dorsal and anal fins are long and pointed. The body is yellow-brown and the iris of the eye is light blue. Each scale is bordered in dark brown giving the fish a net-like appearance. The dorsal and anal fins are bright yellow and bordered in black with a white tip at the end. The caudal fin is yellow with a black and white lower edge.
SIZE : To 1.8" (4.5 cm)
SS : Other Pseudomugil species.
HAB : Australia; Eastern Queensland and the Cape York Peninsula
S : middle, top
TANK : A tank measuring 24" (61 cm) with a capacity from 10-20 gallons (38-76 L) is recommended. Plant the tank along the edges and leave open swimming areas. The filter should create moderate circulation. Use a dark, fine gravel.
WATER : pH 6.5-7.5 (7.0), 10-15 dH (12), 73-82°F (23-28°C)
SB : An active, schooling species that can be combined with other gentle fish. This fish should be kept in groups of five or more.
SC : Corydoras, Loricarids, tetras, hatchetfish, dwarf Rainbowfish
FOOD : Live; insect larvae , crustaceans, worms, insects; flakes
SEX : Males are more colorful and slightly larger.
B : Follow suggestions for M. splendida australis. Use water values within the mentioned perimeters. The eggs are not molested by the parents and hatch after 12-16 days.
BP : 5. An easily bred species.
R : Make frequent partial water changes.
DC : 5. The species is sensitive to unfavorable water conditions.

Celebes Rainbowfish, Celebes Sailfish [
Telmatherina ladigesi
SYN : None
PD : The Celebes Rainbowfish has a slender, elongated body with lateral compression. There are two dorsal fins, the first being very small. The first rays of the second dorsal fin and anal fin develop into long, thread-like appendages. Males are yellow-brown in color with blue-green iridescence. An iridescent blue to green stripe extends laterally from the caudal fin to the gill cover. The first dorsal fin is amber colored while the other fins are yellowish. The first rays of the second dorsal and anal fins are black. The edges of the caudal fin are yellow with white ends. The rest of the fin is black. The colors of females are subdued and their fins are shorter.
SIZE : To 3" (7.5 cm)
SS : None
HAB : Indonesia ; in slow-moving water in the foothills of Sulawesi (Celebes), an island located west of Borneo and east of New Guinea
S : middle
TANK : 28" (70 cm) or 20-25 gallons (75 L). The tank should have densely planted areas, but also have open swimming areas. Provide a partial cover of floating plants to subdue the overhead lighting. The tank should be in a location to receive morning sun. Use a fine gravel substrate. The water should be well-aerated.
WATER : pH 7-8 (7.1), 10-25 dH (14), 70-81°F (21-27°C). A 1% addition of salt is recommended. This can be accomplished by adding 7.5 TSP of salt/ 10 gallons (10 g/10 L)
SB : A peaceful, schooling fish recommended for community tanks with fish that can tolerate brackish water. Keep this lively fish in groups of five or more.
SC : Glass fish, Livebearers, Halfbeaks, Bumblebee fish
FOOD : Prefers floating foods. Flakes; small pellets; live; aquatic and terrestrial insects, brine shrimp, insect larvae , Tubifex
SEX : Males have larger, more elaborate fins and better coloration.
B : Use cool water with a temperature of 70-73°F (21-23°C). After courtship, the pair will spawn among plant leaves. Spawning takes place of a number of days to a number of weeks. The first batch of eggs are laid among the plants and number 30-50. The successive batches are laid with fewer eggs. After each laying, the eggs should be removed as the pair will consume them. The eggs hatch in 10-14 days. Raise the fry on crushed flake food and small live foods. The fry hang just below the water surface. They grow very slowly, but reach maturity at 7 months.
BP : 7. Breeding the Celebes Rainbowfish is moderately difficult.
R : This fish is very sensitive to changes in water properties. When adding the Celebes Rainbowfish to a tank, always allow adequate transfer acclimation time. Wild-caught specimen are very delicate and often live for only a short time. This fish needs frequent partial water changes to prosper.
DC : 6. The Celebes Rainbowfish is sensitive to water conditions.