
Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina)
Brine shrimp are among the most popular live foods in the hobby. Most commercially available brine shrimp come from San Francisco or the Great Salt Lake. They are available in live, frozen, and freeze-dried forms, and brine shrimp eggs can be purchased for home cultivation. The young nauplii make excellent food for fry, while adult brine shrimp are suitable for small to large fish. In addition to providing essential nutrition, the exoskeletons offer good roughage without harboring diseases that affect freshwater species.

Water Fleas (Daphnia)
Daphnia serve as an excellent supplementary food, offering roughage when fed every 7–10 days. They are available in frozen, freeze-dried, and occasionally live forms.

Cyclops are a nutritious food for large fry and small fish. However, note that these crustaceans may prey on very small fry. They are available in frozen and live forms.

River Shrimps (Gammarus)
River shrimps are a natural food for many larger fish, especially cichlids. To keep these shrimp alive as a food source, maintain them in cool water with strong aeration.


Black Worms
Blackworms are segmented worms typically raised on fish farms, making them significantly cleaner than Tubifex worms.

Tubifex Worms
Tubifex worms inhabit muddy, polluted streams and are generally not recommended as a staple fish food because they may harbor parasites and toxins while offering low nutritional value. Always soak Tubifex worms in water for several days before feeding, and feed sparingly, as uneaten worms can settle in the gravel, decay, and deteriorate water quality. They should only be used as a temporary food source when fish refuse other foods.

White Worms (Enchytraea)
White worms are commonly found in decomposing materials such as compost or seaweed piles. They are relatively fatty and should be offered only occasionally, usually to older fry. These worms can be cultured at home.

Earthworms, readily found in most gardens, can be used to feed large, carnivorous fish. Be sure to thoroughly clean off any dirt or slime before offering them as food.

Insect Larvae

Bloodworms (Chironomus)
Bloodworms are a favored fish food available frozen, freeze-dried, or live. In nature, these larvae construct cocoons from plant debris and mud. (Note: Chironomus mosquitoes do not bite.)

Black Mosquito Larvae
Black mosquito larvae are an excellent, vitamin-rich food that may even help trigger spawning in some species. They are easily collected from ponds and can also be raised in standing containers. However, caution is advised as some species can sting.

White Mosquito Larvae / Glassworms
Glassworms, which develop into gnats, are available in live and frozen forms.

Meal Worms
Meal worms are the larval stage of beetles and are widely available in pet shops. They can be fed to large fish but should be considered an occasional supplement rather than a primary food.


Fruit Flies (Drosophila)
Use only short-winged, non-flying fruit flies to minimize escapes. Drosophila are a natural food source for many species and can help stimulate spawning. Cultures are available by mail from breeders. To culture Drosophila at home, mix a feeding mush in a jar with two to three dozen flies. A simple mush can be made by blending a banana, a can of plums, corn or oat flakes, a peach or orange, and a cup of vinegar; then sprinkle in some baker's yeast.

Other Insects: Flies, Crickets, Beetles, and Back Swimmers
House flies can be captured, disabled, and fed to medium- to large-sized carnivorous fish. Crickets are available from pet stores or can be captured, and beetles as well as back swimmers can also be collected for feeding.


Small water snails, often hitchhikers on aquatic plants, serve as food for several species, including pufferfish.


Feeder Fish, Frogs, and Tadpoles
Goldfish and guppies are commonly used as feeder fish for large carnivorous species. However, feeder fish can carry diseases or parasites. Many aquarists treat the water housing feeder fish to reduce the risk of disease transmission to the main tank. Occasionally, frogs and tadpoles (collected from local ponds and streams) are used as food for large fish.


A wide variety of frozen foods is available for freshwater fish, including many of the live foods mentioned above, as well as krill, plankton, squid, vegetable-based products, and other meat-based items. Some frozen products are specially formulated mixtures for specific fish types. Many aquarists also prepare homemade frozen foods using a combination of meats, live foods, and vegetables.


Freeze-dried foods offer the nutritional benefits of live foods without the upkeep required to maintain live cultures. However, it is important not to feed exclusively freeze-dried foods, as they may lack certain vitamins that a quality flake food can provide.


Flake, tablet, and pelleted foods are the most widely used diets in the aquarium hobby because they are generally inexpensive, easy to use, and well-balanced. These foods are available in many formulations, including those specially tailored for particular fish species or conditions.
Flakes can be offered one to four times daily in small amounts that fish can consume within two minutes (algae pellets are an exception). Note that flakes will begin absorbing water within 10 seconds of being added; for fish that feed on them quickly, pre-soaking the flakes may be beneficial.


Micro foods are typically collected or cultured rather than bought, and they are primarily used for raising small fry.

Green Water (Suspended Algae)
Green water is easily cultured by placing a jar of aquarium or aged tap water in a sunny location, adding a small amount of algae from your tank, and a few drops of plant fertilizer. Within a few days, suspended algae will develop; dispense it with an eyedropper.

Infusoria and Rotifers
Infusoria refers to various single-celled microorganisms often found in aquaria. They can be cultured by adding crushed banana or lettuce to a jar of aquarium water. As the water becomes cloudy with growing infusoria, feed them to the fry using an eyedropper. Rotifer eggs are also available at pet shops.

Other Protists
Other protists may be collected with care from clean water sources such as ponds, using fine mesh to capture these tiny organisms. However, caution is advised, as some microorganisms can be harmful to fry.

Egg Yolk
Egg yolk can be prepared for feeding by shaking it in a jar until the water becomes cloudy, then dispensing it with an eyedropper.

Do not add any new plants or fish to the tank later than one month before a planned vacation. Prior to leaving, perform a thorough water change, and avoid adding new fish or plants. If you are away for less than a week, the fish may not require feeding—unless you keep young fish or fry. For absences longer than a week, or if you are uncomfortable with leaving the fish unfed, consider using an automatic feeder. Choose a reliable brand, test it for at least one week prior to departure, and ensure that it dispenses only small, measured portions of food. Alternatively, arrange for a friend or neighbor to feed the fish and check on the tank (providing them with measured feeding portions and a checklist for water temperature, filters, dead fish, etc.). A less popular option is to leave the fish at a reputable aquarium store, which typically charges a modest fee for this service.

Fish are typically classified into four feeding groups: carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, and limnivores.

Carnivores are meat-eating fish that naturally prey on fish, insects, insect larvae, and crustaceans. Large carnivores may only eat a few times a week, having a large stomach and short digestive tract. In aquaria, they are often fed a combination of live foods and flakes.

Herbivores feed on plants, fruits, vegetables, and algae. They tend to be frequent feeders with long digestive systems and can be fed flakes, vegetables, and other plant matter.

Omnivores have varied diets in the wild and can be fed live, flake, and vegetable foods in aquaria.

Limnivores (mud-eaters) feed on algae, detritus, and the microorganisms that live within them, often rasping on wood. They are constant feeders with a small stomach and long digestive tract. In aquaria, limnivores are typically fed pellets and algae.


Depending on a fish's feeding habits—whether it is a carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, or limnivore—the ideal percentage of fat, fiber, and protein in its diet will vary.
  • Carnivores: Meat-eating fish with large stomachs and short digestive tracts. In the aquarium, they can be fed live foods and high-protein flakes.
  • Herbivores: Plant-eating fish that require frequent feeding due to their long digestive tracts. They consume algae, vegetables, and plant-based flakes.
  • Omnivores: Fish that consume both plant and animal matter.
  • Limnivores: Fish that feed on algae, detritus, and microorganisms. They require continuous feeding and have a long digestive system.


























Vitamin A
Effect: Supports cell growth.
Symptoms of deficiency: Poor growth, deformation of the vertebral column and fins.
Source: Liver, spinach, carrots.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Effect: Aids in carbohydrate breakdown, promotes growth and fertility.
Symptoms of deficiency: Frightened behavior, poor growth, loss of appetite.
Source: Paprika, peas, carrots, spinach.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Effect: Regulates enzymes and proteins.
Symptoms of deficiency: Cloudy eyes, poor growth, loss of appetite.
Source: Spinach, peas, paprika, carrots.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Effect: Aids in protein metabolism.
Symptoms of deficiency: Weakness, aimless movements, tumors.
Source: Peas, liver, spinach, paprika.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Effect: Supports hormone production and metabolism.
Symptoms of deficiency: Weakness, sticking gill membranes.
Source: Liver, paprika.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) & B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Effect: Essential for enzyme function and protein metabolism.
Symptoms of deficiency: Increased respiratory effort (panting), loss of appetite, timidness, poor growth.
Source: Liver, paprika.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Effect: Supports bone and tooth development, healing, and digestion.
Symptoms of deficiency: Changes in skin, liver, and muscle tissue.
Source: Paprika, peas, spinach.

Vitamin D3
Effect: Supports bone development.
Symptoms of deficiency: Bone degeneration.
Source: Fish liver, fish meal.

Vitamin E
Effect: Essential for reproductive organ development and fertility.
Symptoms of deficiency: Infertility.
Source: Eggs, cereal.

Vitamin K
Effect: Supports blood formation and clotting.
Symptoms of deficiency: Increased risk of death from injuries or abrasions due to impaired blood clotting.
Source: Lettuce, peas, spinach.

Vitamin M (Folic Acid)
Effect: Supports blood formation and metabolism.
Symptoms of deficiency: Darkened skin pigmentation.
Source: (No source listed in the original text; consider adding leafy greens or liver.)

Effect: Supports growth, fat metabolism, and coloration.
Symptoms of deficiency: Enlarged kidney and liver.
Source: Paprika.