The Helostomatidae, or Kissing Gourami Family, consists of a single genus, Helostoma. These fish are similar to other Gouramis but lack the threadlike pelvic fins present in other members of the family Osphronemidae. Kissing Gouramis are labyrinth fish, meaning they possess a specialized organ that allows them to breathe atmospheric oxygen. They inhabit parts of Southeast Asia, where they are found in slow-moving or stagnant waters.
Kissing Gourami
Helostoma temmincki
SYN: Helostoma rudolfi, H. servus
Physical Description (PD): This species has an elongated, oval-shaped body with prominent, fleshy lips that give the fish its common name. The head is pointed, and the body is laterally compressed. There are two widely available color variations:
- Natural (Green/Silver): Olive-green with a silvery-green iridescence.
- Pink (Selective Breeding Variant): Pinkish-white with a pearlescent sheen.
Size (SIZE): Can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) in captivity, with larger specimens found in the wild.
Social Structure (SS): None; this species does not form stable shoals.
Habitat (HAB): Inhabits muddy, still, vegetation-rich environments, including lakes, ponds, slow-moving rivers, and flooded rice paddies. Found in Borneo, Java, Malaysia, Sumatra, and Thailand.
Swimming Level (S): All levels of the aquarium.
Tank Requirements (TANK):
- A 28-inch (70 cm) tank (20-25 gallons / 76-95 L) is suitable for juveniles under 5 inches (13 cm).
- Larger fish require at least a 55-75 gallon (208-284 L) tank, with more space recommended for full-grown individuals.
- Floating plants provide a natural feel, but tough-leaved plants or artificial plants are preferred since Kissing Gouramis have a habit of grazing on soft plants.
- Allow algae growth on the back wall, as they will graze on it.
- Rocks and driftwood provide retreats and reduce aggression.
Water Conditions (WATER):
- pH 6.0 - 8.0 (ideal ~7.0)
- Hardness 5-30 dH (moderate ~10 dH)
- Temperature 72-86°F (22-30°C)
Behavior and Compatibility (SB):
- Best kept with medium to large labyrinth fish or other similarly-sized species.
- Some individuals become aggressive as they age, particularly toward smaller fish.
- If underfed, they may suck at the scales of slow-moving fish, leading to injury.
Compatible Tank Mates (SC):
- Active species: Barbs, larger Danios, and Tetras.
- Bottom dwellers: Corydoras catfish, Botia loaches, Loricariids.
- Other peaceful species: Angelfish, large Livebearers.
- Avoid small, slow-moving, or long-finned fish, as Kissing Gouramis may harass them.
Diet (FOOD): Omnivorous. Feeds on:
- Live foods: Insects, insect larvae, worms, crustaceans.
- Prepared foods: Flakes, pellets, algae wafers, tablets.
- Vegetables & plant matter: Zucchini, spinach, blanched lettuce, algae.
Sexing (SEX): Females become plumper during the spawning season, but external differences are subtle.
Breeding (B):
- Requires soft water for successful spawning.
- Spawning is aggressive and involves splashing.
- A large batch of 1000+ eggs floats to the surface and attaches to floating plants.
- Eggs hatch in 50 hours, and fry feed on infusoria and rotifers before transitioning to egg yolk and Artemia nauplii.
- Fry grow quickly and become free-swimming after 3-5 days.
- Parental care is minimal, but for safety, fry should be removed.
Breeding Difficulty (BP): 8/10 – Prolific breeders, but challenging to raise in captivity.
Remarks (R):
- The "kissing" behavior is often mistaken for affection, but it is actually a territorial dispute. Males press their mouths together in combat.
- In rare