Brichards Synodontis - Synodontis brichardi

Catfish / Mochocidae / Brichard's Synodontis

Profile: Brichard's Synodontis, Banded Synodontis
Synodontis brichardi
Synonyms: None
Physical description: The elongated body has a flat body profile. Three pairs of barbels are located on the mouth. Brichard's Synodontis has a unique, stream-lined body, uncharacteristic of other Synodontis species. The body color depends on the age of the fish. Juvenile fish have a brownish-black base body color with several blurred, but straight white stripes. Mature fish have a dark black body color with distinct, white, curving markings. This pattern continues through the fish's forked tail. The belly is light gray.
Size/Length: To 8" (20 cm)
Similar species: Decorated Synodontis (S. decorus), White-Barred Synodontis (S. ornatipinnis)
Habitat: Turbulent waters, especially in rapids and pools below water falls. Western Africa; Zaire (Congo) River.
S: bottom
Aquarium: A 40" (122 cm) or 45-55 gallon (170-209 L) tank is suggested. The tank should have a strong current and be well-aerated. Use a fine gravel bottom with large stones scattered about. These fish occasionally dig, thus plants should be well-rooted or potted. Provide hiding places and open swimming areas.
Water chemistry: pH 6.2-7.5 (6.9), dH 6-20 (10), 72-79°F (22-26°C)
Social behavior: A slightly territorial fish that may chase small fish that rest on the bottom at night. Combine with medium to large fish. A diurnal catfish.
Suggested companions: Mormyrids, Congo Tetras, West African cichlids, Gouramis, larger barbs.
FOOD: Live; mosquito larvae, Tubifex, Brine Shrimp; vegetables; spinach
Sexual differences: Unknown
Breeding techniques: Unknown
Breeding potential: 10. Brichard's Synodontis has not been successfully bred in captivity.
Remarks: The colors of this Synodontis become more intense with age. Brichard's Synodontis likes to attach itself to flat surfaces and move into the current, demonstrating its helpful adaptation to its natural environment. Perform frequent partial water changes.
Difficulty of care: 4. A hardy catfish, whose diet must include live foods.