Red-line Rasbora | Rasbora pauciperforata

Cyprinds / Rasboras / Red-line Rasbora

Profile: Red-line Rasbora, Red-stripe Rasbora
Rasbora pauciperforata Synonyms: Rasbora leptosoma
Physical description: An elongated fish with a forked tail. The back is olive brown and the body is brownish-gray. The belly is white. The fins are all smoky-gray. Under favorable conditions, fish develop a bright red stripe that runs from the tip of he snout, through the upper part of the iris, and to the caudal fin.
Size/Length: 2.8" (7 cm)
Similar species: Glowlight Tetra ( H. erythrozonus )
Habitat: Found in still to slow-moving, blackwater streams and creeks that have overhanging and overgrown vegetation. South east Asia; Malaysia, Sumatra.
S: top
Aquarium: A tank measuring 28" (71 cm) with a capacity of 20-25 gallons (75-98 gallons) is adequate. A cover of floating plants along with a dark substrate are recommended. Plant the tank heavily, but leave some open swimming areas at the middle and top levels. Peat filtration is suggested.
Water chemistry: pH 5-7 (6.2), 0-6 dH (2), 73-79°F (23-26°C)
Social behavior: A peaceful, schooling fish of the upper and middle swimming levels. Combine with similarly sized, active schooling fishes.
Suggested companions: Colisa, Corydoras, Apistogramma, Loricarids, Loaches, Danios, hatchetfish, Rasboras
FOOD: Live; Drosophila , insects, Tubifex , crustaceans, insect larvae; flakes.
Sexual differences: Females are plumper especially around spawning times.
Breeding techniques: Use water with a pH from 5.5-6.0, a water hardness from 2-3 dH, and a temperature from 79-84°F (26-29°C). Plant the tank heavily with fine leafed and grassy plants. Pairs are very selective about their partners. Try keeping a large number of fish in a school, and watch for similar pairs. The eggs are scattered among these plants and hatch after 24-28 hours. The fry are free-swimming 3-5 days later and can be fed with Infusoria, roftiers, and liquid foods. The young are sensitive to changes in water changes.
Breeding potential: 8. Breeding is very difficult. Some success has been reported with keeping a school of 8-12 fish in a large, well-planted tank containing only this species. A few eggs often remain undiscovered and the fry survive to maturity.
Remarks: The Red-line Rasbora has a brighter red stripe than the Glowlight Tetra. Recommend frequent partial water changes as this species is sensitive to water pollutants.
Difficulty of care: 4. A somewhat sensitive species that is an excellent community companion.