Dwarf Rasbora | Rasbora maculata
Cyprinds / Rasboras / Dwarf Rasbora
Profile: Dwarf Rasbora, Pygmy Rasbora, Spotted Rasbora
Rasbora maculata Synonyms: None, although this species mistaken for a juvenile R. kalochroma .
Physical description: Among the smallest of aquarium species, the Dwarf Rasbora is an elongated fish. The back is brownish red, while the body is bright brick red. The belly is yellowish-silver and there are various black spots on the body. These usually do not number more than five. The dorsal and anal fins are black and the other fins have red at their bases.
Size/Length: To 1" (2.5 cm) max.
Similar species: Clown Rasbora ( R. kalochroma ) is similar in coloration, although much larger. The Ocellated Dwarf Rasbora ( R. urophthalma ) at 1.5" (4 cm) is only slightly larger.
Habitat: Along overgrown riverbanks of still to slow-moving flood plain rivers and swamps. Southeast Asia; Borneo, Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra.
S: middle
Aquarium: A tank measuring 16" (41 cm) with a capacity of 5 gallons (19 L) works well. The tank should be heavily planted including a cover of floating plants to diffuse the lighting. The substrate should be dark gravel.
Water chemistry: pH 5-6.8 (6.2), dH 0-8 dH (3), 75-81°F (24-27°C)
Social behavior: A peaceful schooling fish recommended for community tank having other small species.
Suggested companions: Rasboras, Coolie Loaches, Corydoras, Loricarids, Apistogramma , tetras, hatchetfish, Colisa.
FOOD: Tiny live; insect larvae, Drosophila , other small insects, Artemia ; fine grade flakes.
Sexual differences: Females are plumper and less colorful.
Breeding techniques: This species can be bred in even a 3 gallon fish tank. Use thickets of small, fine-leafed plants and coarse gravel or marbles as a substrate. The water should be peat-filtered with a pH from 5.7-6.2, a water hardness from 0-3 dH, and a water temperature from 81-84°F (27-29°C). Condition the pair separately for one to two weeks prior to the spawning. Only 40-50 eggs are laid among plants. The parents should be removed before they can consume their own eggs. The eggs hatch after 24-36 hours and the fry are free-swimming three to four days later. Start feeding with Infusoria and liquid foods. The fry are very small and difficult see. Often, in a well-planted, sparsely populated tank, some fry will survive to maturity.
Breeding potential: 6. Spawning comes easily under the right conditions.
Remarks: This species in sensitive to water changes, medications, and water pollutants. It was first imported into Europe in 1905.
Difficulty of care: 4. This somewhat sensitive species is an excellent fish for a small species or community tank.