False Rummy Nose Tetra | Petitella georgiae
Characins / Characinae / False Rummy Nose Tetra
Profile: False Red Nose, False Rummy Nose Tetra
Petitella georgiae
SYN: None
PD: The body is silver to olive brown in color. A gold to brown stripe extends from the red area on the head to the base of the tail. The snout to the mouth to the gill cover is blood-red as is the iris of the eye when good water maintenance is maintained. The tail has three black bands and four white ones. The other fins are transparent.
SIZE: To 2.5" (6.4 cm)
SS: Rummy Nose Tetra ( Hemigrammus bleheri), Red-nosed Tetra ( H. rhodostomus ).
HAB: South America; in white water streams near Iquitos, Peru and in the Rio Branca
S: middle, top
TANK: 24" (60 cm) or 15 gallons (55 L). Arrange the tank in dark colors and use a cover of floating plants. Provide dense vegetation and use a dark gravel bottom. The False Rummy Nose Tetra does best in peat filtered water.
WATER: pH 5.5-7 (6.5); 3-12 dH (6); 72-79°F (22-26°C)
SB: A peaceful, but active, schooling fish that can be kept with other fish that like soft acidic water.
SC: Tetras, Corydoras, Apistogramma, Discus, gouramis, Hatchetfish
FOOD: Flakes; live; insect larvae, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex, Daphnia.
SEX: To hard to distinguish
B: Few details are available. Breeding is said to be similar to that of the Cardinal Tetra.
BP: 9. Breeding is very difficult and unusual.
R: Use a good water conditioner when performing the frequent partial water changes necessary for this fish to thrive. This fish is very similar to the Rummy Nose Tetra in its coloration. These two fish only differ in that the False Rummy Nose Tetra has a different arrangement of tooth structure and the central black marking on the tail extends farther forward on the Rummy Nose Tetra
DC: 5. A sensitive fish that is susceptible to disease.