Rainbow Nothobranch | Nothobranchus rachovii
Killifish / Aplocheilinae / Rainbow Nothobranch
Profile: Rachov's Nothobranch, Rainbow Nothobranch
Nothobranchus rachovii Synonyms: Adiniops rachovii
Physical description: An elongated fish with a stocky body. The dorsal fin is located far back on the body. The mouth is upturned and the eye is fairly large. Males are distinctly more colorful. The "red" variant has a bright red head with some turquoise highlights. The scales of the flanks are turquoise, and outlined in red. The caudal fin has alternating turquoise and red stripes and markings. The rear parts of this fin are red, while its edge is black. The pectoral fin is light blue while the anal and dorsal fins have a turquoise base with several random red markings. Females tend to be brownish-gray with a greenish iridescence. The iris of the eye is amber-yellow.
Size/Length: To 2.4" (6 cm)
Similar species: Other Nothobranchus species
Habitat: Inhabits seasonal floodplains, ponds, and streams which may completely dry up at some parts of the year. East Africa; Mozambique, South Africa (Kruger National Park).
S: bottom, middle
Aquarium: A 24" (60 cm), 10-15 gallon (38-55 L) tank is sufficient. The tank should be arranged in dark colors with plants along the sides and back of the tank. A substrate of peat moss is preferred, although other dark materials will do. Provide retreats with wood and rocks. Shallow tanks are preferred.
Water chemistry: pH 5.8-7.2 (6.5), 2-10 dH (4), 70-77°F (21-25°C)
Social behavior: Males are territorial and aggressive toward one another. This Killifish is best kept in a species tank, although it is not usually aggressive towards different species.
Suggested companions: Tetras, hatchetfish, danios, Aphyosemion, Corydoras, Brachydanio, Loricarids, pencilfish.
FOOD: Live; Tubifex , insect larvae, crustaceans; flakes. Provide a varying diet.
Sexual differences: Males are more colorful and often larger.
Breeding techniques: A small tank furnished with heavy planting and a soft substrate-preferably peat moss- is recommended for those wishing to spawn this species. Eggs are deposited and buried in the substrate. The peat can be removed and placed in a plastic bag. The moss should be kept moist and at a temperature from 64-72°F (18-22°C). After two to five months, the peat moss can be placed in a tank containing soft water (1-2 dH). At first the fry are sensitive to disease, although they quickly become more robust. Feed with Artemia nauplii and powdered foods.
Breeding potential: 6. Breeding is not particularly difficult.
Remarks: Like other Nothobranchus species, N. rachovii is sexually mature after a short time-12 to 15 weeks. Several different color variants exist. In some parts of South Africa, this species has been deemed endangered. A short-lived annual species.
Difficulty of care: 6. A sensitive species that requires frequent partial water changes.