Flag Tetra | Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus

Characins / Characinae / Flag Tetra

Profile: Flag Tetra, Belgian Flag Tetra
Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus
SYN: Tetragonopterus heterorhabdus, Hemigrammus heterorhabdus
PD: Laterally compressed body. The back is brownish black to silver, while the belly is silver. A black band extends from the gill cover through the tail. Above is and iridescent green to yellow stripe. Above this stripe is an orange line. The iris is orange to red.
SIZE: To 2" (5 cm)
SS: Ulrey's Tetra ( Hemigrammus ulreyi), Black-lined Tetra ( Hyphessobrycon scholzei), Vilma's Tetra ( H. vilmae )
HAB: South America; Rio Tocantins, Lower Amazon
S: middle
TANK: 20" (50 cm) or 10 gallons (38 L). As for other Hyphessobrycon species; see the genus description.
WATER: pH 5.5-7.5 (6.7), 5-15 dH (7), 72-82°F (22-28°C)
SB: A peaceful, schooling fish that is recommended for a community tank. These fish only do well in groups, single specimen often die.
SC: Tetras, Corydoras, Apistogramma, Loricarids, Discus, Colisa.
FOOD: Flake; live; insect larvae, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex.
SEX: Females are plumper and larger
B: Difficult. Use a breeding tank with a pH of 6.0, a water hardness of 4 dH, and a temperature of 82°F (28°C) 100-200 eggs are laid and the fry hatch after 30-36 hours. The eggs are susceptible to fungus and the fry often get diseases. The young do not readily take food, but try crushed flake and small live foods.
BP: 8. A challenging fish to breed.
R: This fish was first introduced in 1910.
DC: 4. The Flag Tetra is not as hardy as most other tetras, because it is susceptible to disease.