Rummy Nose Tetra | Hemigrammus bleheri

Characins / Characinae / Rummy Nose Tetra

Profile: Red Nose Tetra, Rummy Nose Tetra
Hemigrammus bleheri
SYN: None
PD: The body is silver to olive brown in color. A gold to brown stripe extends from the red area on the head to the base of the tail. The iris and snout are blood red when good water maintenance are maintained. The tail has three black stripes and four white ones. The other fins are transparent. The mouth is also red which allows this species to be distinguished from H. rhodostomus and Petitella georgiae.
SIZE: To 2.5" (6.4 cm)
SS: This species is often confused with H. rhodostomus and Petitella georgiae. these species are hard to distinguish from one another and are often sold under the wrong name. H. rhodostomus is slightly less colorful, but easier to keep and breed. H. bleheri can be distinguished from P. georgiae by H. bleheri's sharper, and more distinct white marking on the caudal fin. P. georgiae has a less colorful red marking on its head.
HAB: South America; small, shaded blackwater in still or slow-moving creeks and river bends in the tributaries of the Rio Negro (Brazil), and the Rio Vaupes (Colombia)
S: middle
TANK: 28" (70 cm) or 20 gallons (75 L). The tank should be well-planted and arranged in dark colors. Leave open swimming areas. The Rummy Nose Tetra is best kept in a tank with peat filtration. This fish is very sensitive to water pollutants.
WATER: pH 5-7 (6.5), 2-8 dH (5), 72-82°F (22-28°C)
SB: An active, peaceful, species recommended for a community tank. Keep in schools of five or more fish.
SC: See genus description.
FOOD: Flake; live; insect larvae, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex, small aquatic insects.
SEX: The female is plumper during the spawning season.
B: Use a breeding tank with a temperature of 79-82°F (27-28°C), a pH of 5.5-6.5, and a water hardness of 1-4 dH. A few eggs are dropped, landing on the bottom or in feathered plants. To prevent parents from eating eggs as they are laid, feed them whiteworms. Remove parents after spawning. The fry hatch in 30-36 hours, and are free-swimming after 4 days. The young are very small and can only be fed tiny foods such as microorganisms. The fry are difficult to raise.
BP: 8. Breeding is very difficult.
R: Regular water changes must be performed and a good water conditioner should be used. This fish is somewhat susceptible to "Ich".
DC: 5. Rummy None Tetras are excellent community fish, but they are sensitive to water pollutants and disease.