Pink-tailed Characin | Chalceus macrolepidotus

Characins / Characinae / Pink-tailed Characin

Profile: Pink-tailed Characin
Chalceus macrolepidotus
SYN: Brycon macrolepidotus, Chalceus ararapeera, C. erythrurus, Pellegrina heterolepsis
PD: An elongated, laterally compressed species with large scales. The upper parts have rows of large scales, while the lower parts have much smaller ones. The back is brownish-silver while the flanks are silver with a greenish iridescence. The belly is pinkish-silver. The fins range from yellow to dark red in color. The upper part of the iris is yellow to orange. There is a dark spot near the gill cover.
SIZE: To 10" (25 cm)
SS: Other Chalceus species
HAB: South America; from Guyana to Peru.
S: middle
TANK: A 40" (101 cm) or 45-55 gallon (170-209 L) tank is sufficient for fish up to 5" (13 cm) in length. However, once exceeding 5" (13 cm), a tank measuring at least 60" (152 cm) with a capacity from 90 gallons (342 L) is required. The tank should be equipped with a tight-fitting cover. Plant along the edges and rear of the tank and leave plenty of open swimming areas.
WATER: pH 6-7.5 (7.0), 6-18 dH (12), 73-82°F (23-28°C)
SB: A predatory schooling fish that can be combined with other large, robust species. This characin should be kept singly or in groups of eight or more. When this species is kept in small groups, fighting often occurs.
SC: Oscars, Colossoma, Serrasalmus, Brycon, Metynnis, Myleus, Mylossoma, Pimelodid catfish, Crenicichla .
FOOD: Live; fish, crustaceans; chopped meat; pellets; flakes; tablets
SEX: Unknown
B: Has been bred only rarely and few details are known. On all occasions , spawning has occured in very large tanks. About 2000 eggs are scattered amongst plants. The pair should be removed. Start feeding with Artemia nauplii.
BP: 10. Breeding is not feasible under most conditions.
R: This species can be long-lived in a large, well maintained tank.
DC: 6. This hardy species is not suitable for most tanks due to its size and aggressive behavior.