Plumed Lyretail | Aphyosemion filamentosum
Killifish / Aplocheilinae / Plumed Lyretail
Profile: Plumed Lyretail, Togo Lyretail
Aphyosemion filamentosum Synonyms: Aphyosemion ruwenzori, Fundulopanchax filamentosus
Physical description: The fins of males are more developed and elongated. The fins of females are rounded. The background body coloration is blue-violet to green-blue. The body, dorsal, and caudal fins are marked with numerous red spots. The lower lobe of the caudal fin has a red stripe, as does the anal fin. These fins also have red edgings.
Size/Length: To 2.3" (6 cm)
Similar species: Other Aphyosemion species
Habitat: Found in stagnate pools and ponds. Western Africa; southwestern Nigeria, western Cameroon, Togo.
S: middle
Aquarium: A tank measuring 20" (51 cm) with a capacity of 10 gallons (38 L) is sufficient. Follow suggestions for A. gardneri .
Water chemistry: pH 5.5-7.5 (6.5), 2-10 dH (4), 70-73°F (21-23°C)
Social behavior: A lively, peaceful species that should be kept in pairs or one male with two females.
Suggested companions: See A. australe.
FOOD: Live; flying insects, insect larvae, Brine Shrimp, other crustaceans, Tubifex worms; flakes.
Sexual differences: Males are distinctly more colorful and larger. The fins are more elaborate on the male.
Breeding techniques: Use water with a pH from 5.5-6.0, a water hardness from 2-5 dH, and a temperature from 73-77°F (23-25°C). Plant the tank heavily with fine-leafed plants. Use subdued lighting and a peat substrate. The eggs are laid on or sometimes in the peat substrate. Remove the peat three to four weeks after the spawning and store it in a dark, moist area with a temperature in the upper 70's for 6-9 weeks. After this time, place the eggs in a tank with soft water (1-5 dH). Start feeding the fry with roftiers and Infusoria.
Breeding potential: 7. Breeding is moderately difficult.
Remarks: This species is an annual, and as a result, is relatively short-lived. Several color/geographical races are known. Sexually mature at four months.
Difficulty of care: 6. This Killifish is somewhat sensitive to unfavorable water conditions.