Two Stripe Killifish | Aphyosemion bivittatum
Killifish / Aplocheilinae / Two Stripe Killifish
Profile: Two Stripe Killifish
Aphyosemion bivittatum Synonyms: Fundulopanchax bivittatum, Fundulus bivittatus
Physical description: A long-bodied fish. Males have elaborate anal and dorsal fins which are tall and pointed. The body color of males range depending on the population. Commonly, the back is golden-brown, while the flanks are bluish, and the belly is gold. The body is marked with two rows of red spots. The rear body parts are often light turquoise with a light blue iridescence. The anal and pelvic fins are yellow to pastel green with a red edging. The caudal fin is green with red rows of spots and has bright yellow tips. The dorsal fins is marked as is the caudal fin.
Size/Length: To 2" (5 cm)
Similar species: Other Aphyosemion species.
Habitat: Western Africa; southern Nigeria and Cameroon
S: bottom, middle
Aquarium: A 20" (51 cm) or 10 gallon (38 L) tank is sufficient for a pair. The tank should be dimly lit, with a cover of floating plants. Plants the tank heavily along the sides and rear, and leave an open swimming area.
Water chemistry: pH 5.8-7 (6.5), 1-8 dH (3), 73-79°F (23-26°C)
Social behavior: A peaceful, but active species that can be kept in pairs.
Suggested companions: As for A. gardneri.
FOOD: Live; insects, insect larvae, worms, crustaceans; may accept flakes.
Sexual differences: Males are more colorful with elongated fin extensions.
Breeding techniques: As for A. volcanum, except use warmer water (75-81°F)
Breeding potential: 6. Breeding is not difficult.
Remarks: A. bivittatum is a member of the sub-genus Chromaphyosemion, which consists of some eight described specieS: A. bivittatum, A. bitaeniatum, A. loennbergi, A. lugens, A. poliaki, A. riggenbachi, A. splendopleure, and A. volcanum. STYLE="mso-bidi-font-style : normal ; mso-spacerun : yes"> Among these eight species, over 170 unique populations are represented. A. bivittatum itself has numerous color forms.
Difficulty of care: 5. This beautiful species is not especially difficult as long as given live foods and favorable water conditions.