Freshwater Barracuda | Acestrorhynchus falcatus
Killifish / Rivulinae / Freshwater Barracuda
Acestrorhynchus falcatusPictures SYN: Hydrogon falcatus, Xiphoramphus falcatus, Xiphorhynchus falcatus
PD: A somewhat elongated fish that has a large mouth and eyes. Its body is silver in color. The dorsal fin is located far back on the body and stands tall. Its tail is forked and has a large black spot at its base. The other fins are transparent. Sometimes a black horizontal line, that runs from the eye to the tail spot, develops.
SIZE: To 10" (25 cm)
SS: Other Acestrorhynchus species.
HAB: South America; found in the Amazon Basin and the Paraguay River watershed.
S: middle, top
TANK: 48" (122 cm) or 55 gallons (209 L) is minimal. The tank should be spacious with plenty of open swimming areas. Provide a cover of floating plants to dim the lighting. Use a tight-fitting cover as this fish is known to jump. The tank should be heavily planted.
WATER: pH 5.8-7.5 (6.9), 4-15 dH (10), 79-86°F (26-30°C)
SB: Will eat smaller fish. A schooling fish that should be either keep singly or in groups of 6 or more. If kept in groups of 2-5 fish, fighting will occur.
SC: Pimelodids, large Loricarids, Pacus, Piranhas, Silver Dollars, Arawana
FOOD: Live: mostly fish; earthworms, aquatic insects, Tubifex ; pellets; chopped meat.
SEX: Females are plumper.
B: Unsuccessful in captivity
BP: 10. This fish has not been bred in captivity.
R: Little is known about these fish, even though they are frequently sold in aquarium stores. Acestrorhynchus nasutus is distinguishable from Acestrorhynchus falcatus by its more slender body and the absence of a black spot behind the gill cover. This species is often referred to as a "Freshwater Barracuda" because of its body form, not because of any relationship to the true marine Barracuda. An important food fish in South America.
DC: 6. A large and aggressive fish that requires a diet including live foods.