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Fish Species in Senegal | |||||
[No. of Species listed in Fishbase.org=131] | |||||
Species | Family | Habitat | Length (cm) | Trophic level | Status |
Alestes baremoze | Alestiidae | benthopelagic | 43 TL | 2.8 | native |
Alestes dentex | Alestiidae | pelagic | 55 TL | 2.9 | native |
Amphilius platychir | Amphiliidae | demersal | 21 TL | 3.3 | native |
Amphilius rheophilus | Amphiliidae | demersal | 15 TL | 3.2 | native |
Aphyosemion banforense | Aplocheilidae | benthopelagic | 5 TL | 3.3 | native |
Aplocheilichthys lamberti | Poeciliidae | benthopelagic | 5 TL | 3.2 | native |
Aplocheilichthys normani | Poeciliidae | benthopelagic | 4 TL | 3.4 | native |
Aplocheilichthys pfaffi | Poeciliidae | benthopelagic | 5 TL | 3.1 | native |
Aplocheilichthys spilauchen | Poeciliidae | benthopelagic | 7 TL | 2.9 | native |
Arius parkii | Ariidae | demersal | 75 TL | 4.1 | native |
Auchenoglanis biscutatus | Bagridae | demersal | 66 TL | 3.1 | native |
Auchenoglanis occidentalis | Bagridae | demersal | 86 TL | 2.9 | native |
Bagrus bajad | Bagridae | demersal | 88 TL | 3.3 | native |
Bagrus docmak | Bagridae | benthopelagic | 135 TL | 3.3 | native |
Barbus ablabes | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 12 TL | 2.5 | native |
Barbus bynni occidentalis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 8 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus callipterus | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 8 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus dialonensis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 10 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus ditinensis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 8 TL | 2.9 | native |
Barbus foutensis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 11 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus leonensis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 5 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus macinensis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 7 TL | 2.9 | native |
Barbus macrops | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 12 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus niokoloensis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 6 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus perince | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 11 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus petitjeani | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 20 TL | 3.1 | native |
Barbus pobeguini | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 7 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus punctitaeniatus | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 5 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus raimbaulti | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 8 TL | 2.9 | native |
Barbus salessei | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 6 TL | 3.0 | native |
Barbus sublineatus | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 9 TL | 2.7 | native |
Brienomyrus brachyistius | Mormyridae | benthopelagic | 16 TL | 3.2 | native |
Brienomyrus niger | Mormyridae | benthopelagic | 16 TL | 3.3 | native |
Brycinus leuciscus | Alestiidae | pelagic | 15 TL | 3.0 | native |
Brycinus macrolepidotus | Alestiidae | pelagic | 65 TL | 2.3 | native |
Brycinus nurse | Alestiidae | pelagic | 25 TL | 2.4 | native |
Chiloglanis occidentalis | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 7 TL | 3.1 | native |
Chrysichthys auratus auratus | Bagridae | demersal | 43 TL | 3.7 | native |
Chrysichthys maurus | Bagridae | demersal | 63 TL | 3.4 | native |
Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus | Bagridae | demersal | 80 TL | 2.6 | native |
Citharichthys stampflii | Paralichthyidae | demersal | 16 TL | 3.9 | native |
Citharinus citharus citharus | Citharinidae | demersal | 71 TL | 2.0 | native |
Citharinus latus | Citharinidae | demersal | 103 TL | 2.2 | native |
Clarias anguillaris | Clariidae | demersal | 100 TL | 3.4 | native |
Clarias gariepinus | Clariidae | benthopelagic | 170 TL | 4.4 | native |
Clarias laeviceps dialonensis | Clariidae | demersal | 26 TL | 3.2 | native |
Clarotes laticeps | Bagridae | demersal | 98 TL | 3.1 | native |
Ctenopoma kingsleyae | Anabantidae | demersal | 25 TL | 3.0 | native |
Ctenopoma petherici | Anabantidae | benthopelagic | 18 TL | 3.2 | native |
Cynothrissa ansorgii | Clupeidae | pelagic | 16 TL | 3.0 | native |
Distichodus brevipinnis | Citharinidae | demersal | 72 TL | 2.0 | native |
Distichodus engycephalus | Citharinidae | demersal | 49 TL | 2.0 | native |
Distichodus rostratus | Citharinidae | demersal | 76 TL | 2.0 | native |
Eleotris senegalensis | Eleotridae | demersal | 22 TL | 3.1 | native |
Eleotris vittata | Eleotridae | demersal | 27 TL | 4.0 | native |
Epiplatys bifasciatus bifasciatus | Aplocheilidae | benthopelagic | 6 TL | 3.1 | native |
Epiplatys spilargyreius | Aplocheilidae | benthopelagic | 5 TL | 3.1 | native |
Ethmalosa fimbriata | Clupeidae | pelagic | 45 TL | 2.5 | native |
Eucinostomus melanopterus | Gerreidae | demersal | 30 TL | 3.4 | native |
Fundulosoma thierryi | Aplocheilidae | benthopelagic | 4 TL | 3.0 | native |
Garra waterloti | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 7 TL | 3.0 | native |
Gobioides sagitta | Gobiidae | demersal | 50 TL | 3.0 | native |
Gymnarchus niloticus | Gymnarchidae | demersal | 204 TL | 3.7 | native |
Hemichromis bimaculatus | Cichlidae | benthopelagic | 17 TL | 3.9 | native |
Hemichromis fasciatus | Cichlidae | benthopelagic | 25 TL | 3.5 | native |
Hepsetus odoe | Hepsetidae | demersal | 70 TL | 4.5 | native |
Heterobranchus bidorsalis | Clariidae | demersal | 150 TL | 3.7 | native |
Heterobranchus isopterus | Clariidae | demersal | 90 TL | 3.2 | native |
Heterobranchus longifilis | Clariidae | demersal | 183 TL | 3.7 | native |
Heterotis niloticus | Osteoglossidae | demersal | 120 TL | 3.0 | native |
Hydrocynus brevis | Alestiidae | demersal | 86 TL | 3.6 | native |
Hydrocynus forskalii | Alestiidae | pelagic | 96 TL | 4.0 | native |
Hydrocynus vittatus | Alestiidae | demersal | 117 TL | 4.5 | native |
Hyperopisus bebe bebe | Mormyridae | demersal | 63 TL | 3.6 | native |
Hyperopisus bebe occidentalis | Mormyridae | demersal | 63 TL | 3.3 | native |
Kribia kribensis | Eleotridae | demersal | 6 TL | 3.3 | native |
Kribia nana | Eleotridae | demersal | 5 TL | 3.3 | native |
Labeo coubie | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 92 TL | 2.0 | native |
Labeo parvus | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 47 TL | 2.4 | native |
Labeo roseopunctatus | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 25 TL | 2.9 | native |
Labeo senegalensis | Cyprinidae | benthopelagic | 65 TL | 2.7 | native |
Lates niloticus | Centropomidae | demersal | 193 TL | 3.8 | native |
Leptocypris niloticus | Cyprinidae | demersal | 10 TL | 2.9 | native |
Liza falcipinnis | Mugilidae | demersal | 46 TL | 2.3 | native |
Malapterurus electricus | Malapteruridae | benthopelagic | 149 TL | 4.5 | native |
Marcusenius mento | Mormyridae | demersal | 32 TL | 3.1 | native |
Marcusenius senegalensis senegalensis | Mormyridae | demersal | 40 TL | 3.1 | native |
Micralestes elongatus | Alestiidae | pelagic | 6 TL | 3.3 | native |
Mormyrops anguilloides | Mormyridae | demersal | 150 TL | 4.0 | native |
Mormyrus hasselquistii | Mormyridae | demersal | 59 TL | 3.6 | native |
Mormyrus rume rume | Mormyridae | demersal | 107 TL | 2.5 | native |
Nannocharax ansorgii | Citharinidae | pelagic | 5 TL | 3.3 | native |
Nannocharax fasciatus | Citharinidae | pelagic | 9 TL | 3.5 | native |
Nematogobius maindroni | Gobiidae | demersal | 8 TL | 3.2 | native |
Oreochromis aureus | Cichlidae | benthopelagic | 46 TL | 2.0 | native |
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus | Cichlidae | benthopelagic | 74 TL | 2.0 | native |
Papyrocranus afer | Notopteridae | demersal | 80 TL | 3.3 | native |
Parachanna obscura | Channidae | demersal | 42 TL | 3.4 | native |
Parailia pellucida | Schilbeidae | demersal | 15 TL | 3.5 | native |
Paramphilius trichomycteroides | Amphiliidae | demersal | 8 TL | 3.0 | native |
Pellonula leonensis | Clupeidae | pelagic | 10 TL | 3.5 | native |
Periophthalmus barbarus | Gobiidae | demersal | 25 TL | 3.0 | native |
Petrocephalus bovei bovei | Mormyridae | demersal | 14 TL | 3.1 | native |
Petrocephalus soudanensis | Mormyridae | demersal | 12 TL | 3.1 | native |
Pollimyrus isidori | Mormyridae | demersal | 11 TL | 2.6 | native |
Polypterus bichir lapradei | Polypteridae | demersal | 74 TL | 4.5 | native |
Polypterus senegalus senegalus | Polypteridae | demersal | 51 TL | 3.5 | native |
Pomadasys jubelini | Haemulidae | demersal | 60 TL | 3.3 | native |
Porogobius schlegelii | Gobiidae | demersal | 15 TL | 2.9 | native |
Protopterus annectens annectens | Protopteridae | demersal | 100 TL | 3.8 | native |
Raiamas senegalensis | Cyprinidae | demersal | 25 TL | 3.0 | native |
Rhabdalestes septentrionalis | Alestiidae | pelagic | 7 TL | 3.3 | native |
Sarotherodon galilaeus galilaeus | Cichlidae | demersal | 41 TL | 2.1 | native |
Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron | Cichlidae | demersal | 31 TL | 2.5 | native |
Schilbe intermedius | Schilbeidae | pelagic | 61 TL | 3.7 | native |
Schilbe mystus | Schilbeidae | demersal | 40 TL | 3.3 | native |
Sierrathrissa leonensis | Clupeidae | pelagic | 4 TL | 3.1 | native |
Synodontis batensoda | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 50 TL | 2.8 | native |
Synodontis clarias | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 33 TL | 3.0 | native |
Synodontis filamentosus | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 28 TL | 3.0 | native |
Synodontis membranaceus | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 57 TL | 3.2 | native |
Synodontis nigrita | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 22 TL | 3.4 | native |
Synodontis ocellifer | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 49 TL | 3.1 | native |
Synodontis schall | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 49 TL | 2.9 | native |
Synodontis tourei | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 11 TL | 2.9 | native |
Synodontis violaceus | Mochokidae | benthopelagic | 36 TL | 3.1 | native |
Tetraodon lineatus | Tetraodontidae | demersal | 43 TL | 3.6 | native |
Tilapia dageti | Cichlidae | demersal | 40 TL | 2.3 | native |
Tilapia guineensis | Cichlidae | benthopelagic | 35 TL | 2.8 | native |
Tilapia louka | Cichlidae | benthopelagic | 25 TL | 3.0 | native |
Tilapia zillii | Cichlidae | demersal | 49 TL | 2.0 | native |
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Page generated June 30, 2003 from Fishbase.org. Page created by: Jen, 15.11.01, last modified by Jen, 27.02.02. |