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Freshwater Fish Species by Ecosystem / Biotope



Below you will find links to lists of freshwater fish from ecosystems. These lists have been generated from - an ambitious project to provide indexing and links for all known species as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity. All content for these pages is copyright

I have included the tables to assist in the construction of biotope aquaria. Many of the descriptions on provide information on the range and habitat types individual fish species. Used in conjunction with the biotope descriptions found on [see below], this can be a most valuable resource for those interested in biotope aquaria. is the sole effort of Rhett A. Butler, who has taken the photos and written all of the content found on the site. If you find a useful resource I hope that you will consider making a donation to help support the site or clicking on one of the ads to the right.

Thank you for your continued interest.

Biotope aquaria:

African River Rapids
Lake Tanganyika
Lake Malawi
West or Central African River
Southern African Swamp
Southeast Asian River
Thai Creek
Southeast Asian Blackwater Pool
Southeast Asian Mangrove Estuary
Indian/Burmese River
New Guinea River
Northern Australia Rainforest Creek
South American Whitewater River
South American Clearwater Stream
South American Blackwater Creek
South American Blackwater Stream
Central American Rocky Lake
Central American River

Freshwater fish from:

Africa - Central Africa : Congo_Zaire
Africa - Central Africa : Lake Kivu
Africa - East Africa : Sabaki River
Africa - East Africa : Tana River
Africa - North Africa : Nile
Africa - Rift Lakes : Lake Chad
Africa - Rift Lakes : Lake Liambezi
Africa - Rift Lakes : Lake Malawi
Africa - Rift Lakes : Lake Rukwa
Africa - Rift Lakes : Lake Tanganyika
Africa - Rift Lakes : Lake Turkana
Africa - Rift Lakes : Lake Victoria
Africa - Southern Africa : Chobe
Africa - Southern Africa : Limpopo
Africa - Southern Africa : Okavango River
Africa - Southern Africa : Orange
Africa - Southern Africa : Shire
Africa - Southern Africa : Zambezi
Africa - Southern Africa : Kwando River
Africa - Southern Africa : Linyanti
Africa - West Africa : Agnebi
Africa - West Africa : Bandama River
Africa - West Africa : Benue River
Africa - West Africa : Bia River
Africa - West Africa : Buba River
Africa - West Africa : Casamance River
Africa - West Africa : Cross River
Africa - West Africa : Gambia River
Africa - West Africa : Kariba
Africa - West Africa : Little Scarcies
Africa - West Africa : Niger River
Africa - West Africa : Ogun River
Africa - West Africa : Rokel
Africa - West Africa : Saint John
Africa - West Africa : Saint Paul
Africa - West Africa : Saloum
Africa - West Africa : Senegal River
Africa - West Africa : Volta
Africa - West Africa : Weme
Africa - West Africa : Como� River
Africa - West Africa : Corubal River
Africa - West Africa : Ebrie
Africa - West Africa : Fatala
Africa - West Africa : Geba
Africa - West Africa : Kainji Lake
Africa - West Africa : Kogon
Africa - West Africa : Kolente
Africa - West Africa : Konkoure
Africa - West Africa : Loffa
Africa - West Africa : Mano
Africa - West Africa : Mao
Africa - West Africa : Mono River
Africa - West Africa : Nipoue
Africa - West Africa : Pra
Africa - West Africa : Sassandra
Africa - West Africa : Sewa
Africa - West Africa : Tano
Asia - India : Brahmaputra River
Asia - India : Cavally River
Asia - India : Ganges
Asia - India : Indus
Asia - India : Krishna River
Asia - India : Chilka Lake
Asia - India : Chittar River
Asia - India : Godavari
Asia - Japan : Lake Biwa
Asia - Philippines : Lake Buluan
Asia - Philippines : Lake Lanao
Asia - Philippines : Taal
Asia - Southeast Asia : Amudar'ya
Asia - Southeast Asia : Chao Praya River
Asia - Southeast Asia : Irrawaddy
Asia - Southeast Asia : Mekong River
Asia - Southeast Asia : Salween
Eurasia : Danube
Eurasia : Lake Baikal
Eurasia : Seine
Eurasia : Loire
Eurasia : Rhine
Middle East : Euphrates
Middle East : Tigris
North America - USA : Great Lakes
North America - USA : Lake Waccamaw
North America - USA : Mississippi
Saltwater / Marine / Reef : Saltwater Great Barrier Reef
Saltwater / Marine / Reef : Saltwater_Hawaiian_Insular
Saltwater / Marine / Reef : Saltwater_Persian_Gulf
Saltwater / Marine / Reef : Saltwater_Peru-Galapagos
Saltwater / Marine / Reef : Saltwater_Polynesia
Saltwater / Marine / Reef : Saltwater_Red_Sea
South America : Amazon River
South America : Araguaia River
South America : Madeira
South America : Magdalena
South America : Maranon
South America : Orinoco
South America : Para-Tocantins
South America : Paraguay River
South America : Parana
South America : Rio Negro
South America : Sao Francisco
South America : Uruguay River
South America : Purus

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The copy for was written in 1994-1995. Therefore some information such as scientific names may be out of date. For this, I apologize. Feel free to send corrections to me.