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List of Freshwater Fishes for Rodriguez

Number of freshwater fish species: 12 The tables below were generated from - A project to provide indexing and links for all known species as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity. All links below take you to pages on the site.
Tropical Freshwater Fish | Biotope aquaria | Country Index

Record number 1 to 12  |  
Order Family Species Status FB name Name
Anguilliformes Anguillidae Anguilla bicolor bicolor native Indonesian shortfin eel Anguille bicolore 
Gonorynchiformes Chanidae Chanos chanos native Milkfish Lubine 
Perciformes Eleotridae Eleotris fusca native Dusky sleeper Eléotris brun 
Perciformes Eleotridae Eleotris mauritianus native Widehead sleeper Cabot noir 
Cyprinodontiformes Poeciliidae Gambusia affinis introduced Mosquitofish  
Cyprinodontiformes Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki introduced Eastern mosquitofish  
Perciformes Kuhliidae Kuhlia caudavittata native  Doule à queue rayée 
Perciformes Kuhliidae Kuhlia mugil native Barred flagtail Kuhlie mulet 
Perciformes Kuhliidae Kuhlia rupestris questionable Rock flagtail Kuhlie des rochers 
Mugiliformes Mugilidae Liza macrolepis native Largescale mullet  
Mugiliformes Mugilidae Mugil cephalus native Flathead mullet  
Perciformes Gobiidae Mugilogobius mertoni native Chequered mangrove goby Gobi milet 

Page created by: Eli, 15.08.07, last modified by: Lei, 20.11.08

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The copy for was written in 1994-1995. Therefore some information such as scientific names may be out of date. For this, I apologize. Feel free to send corrections to me.